Ecological Green Infrastructure Planning Research LAB
Impacts of watershed and meteorological characteristics on stream water quality resilience
Assessing the Resilience of Stream Ecosystems to Rainfall Impact
How to manage urban disturbances: Focused on social-ecological vulnerability to fine dust pollution
The Perceptions and Use of Urban Neighborhood Parks Since the Outbreak of COVID-19: A Case Study in South Korea
A Spatial Adaptation Strategy for Safe Campus Open Spaces during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Korea University
한국 조경의 새로운 지평 : 커뮤니티, 건강 사회, 지속가능성, 문화경관, 조경 설계로 조망해 본 한국 조경의 새로운 지평
김아연, 김연금, 김무한, 김영민, 김충식, 김태한, 나성진, 류영렬, 박은영, 박재민, 배정한, 성종상, 오형은, 이강오, 이명준, 이소은, 이원호, 이유미, 이정아, 이주용, 전진형, 정영선, 정해준, 제프 호, 조혜령, 탁영란 (성종상 엮음) (2021) 도서출판 한숲
Planning a Green Infrastructure Network to Integrate Potential Evacuation Routes and the Urban Green Space in a Coastal City: The Case Study of Haeundae District, Busan, South Korea
Daeyoung Jeong, Min Kim, Kihwan Song, Junga Lee (2021) Science of the Total Environment. 761: 143-179
Establishing Diagnosis Systems for Impaired Stream Ecosystem Using Stream/River Ecosystem Survey and Health Assessment
이종원, 이상우, 황순진, 장민호, 원두희, 안경진, 박혜진, 이정아 (2020) 한국하천호수학회지. 53(1): 1-10
The Relationship between User Perception and Preference of Greenway Trail Characteristics in Urban Areas
Junga Lee, Hyoung-Sook Lee, Daeyoung Jeong, Jinhyung Chon (2019) Sustainability. 11(16): 4438-4454
Patterns of Vegetation and Soil Properties in a Beaver-created Wetland Located in the Coastal Plain of Virginia
Suzanne Dee, Alicia Korol, Changwoo Ahn, Junga Lee, Mary Means (2018) Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 14(2): 209-219
A Study on the Development of Fruit Tree Experience Programs Based on User Segmentation
O Man Kwon, Junga Lee, Daeyoung Jeong, Jin Hee Lee (2018) Journal of Environmental Science International. 27(10): 865-874
Sustainable Land-Use Planning to Improve the Coastal Resilience of the Social-Ecological Landscape
Min Kim, Soojin You, Jinhyung Chon, Junga Lee (2017) Sustainability. 9(7): 1086-1107
The Link between School Environments and Student Academic Performance
Byoung-Suk Kweon, Christopher D. Ellis, Junga Lee, Kim Jacobs (2017) Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 23: 35-43
A Study on the Experts Perception for Effective Application of Low Impact Development
이현지, 이정아, 유수진, 전진형 (2016) 한국조경학회지. 44(3): 65-78
The Visitors' Characteristics of Urban Ecological Park: The Cases of Glidong Ecological Park, Yeouido Tributary Ecological Park
김은영, 이정아, 김형곤, 전진형 (2014) 한국조경학회지. 42(1): 64-74
Planning Landscape Corridors in Ecological Infrastructure Using Least-Cost Path Methods Based on the Value of Ecosystem Services
Junga Lee, Jinhyung Chon, Changwoo Ahn (2014) Sustainability. 6(11): 7567-7585
A Study about Factors which Effected on the Preference for Color of Bench in Urban Park
김재정, 이형숙, 이정아, 전진형 (2013) 휴양 및 경관계획연구소 논문집. 7(2): 31-41
Analysis of User Satisfaction on the City Squares in Seoul: Focused on Grand Public Place
이정아, 이형숙, 최윤의, 전진형 (2012) 한국조경학회지. 40(3): 42-50
Landscape Resources Evaluation Strategy of Rural Waterfront Villages: An Application to a Rural Waterfront Village along the Han River
이정아, 이유경, 이상우, 전진형 (2011) 농촌계획. 17(3): 91-101
Satisfaction and Anticipated Benefits on a Community Based Riparian Greenway: Focused on Tancheon Greenway
이정아, 김재정, 유미나, 김은영, 전진형 (2010) 서울도시연구. 11(3): 15-28
An Evaluation of Human Thermal Comfort and Improvement of Thermal Environment by Spatial Structure
이정아, 정대영, 전진형, 이상문, 송영배 (2010) 한국조경학회지. 38(5): 12-20
Economic Valuation of an Urban Landscape: With a Focus on Independence Park
문윤석, 이정아, 전진형, 박호정 (2009) 한국조경학회지. 37(2): 70-77
Applicability of Online Sustainability Tools for Landscape Performance Assessment in South Korean Nursery Farm Complexes
Detecting causal relationship of non-floodplain wetland hydrologic connectivity using convergent cross mapping
Classifying cropland vulnerability to pollutant loads across South Korea under climate change conditions using soil vulnerability index
Sangchul Lee, Hyemin Jeong, Jiwon Lee, Younghun Lee, Changhyun Kim, Wonjae Hwang, Minseok Park, Seunghun Hyun, Seung Beom Seo, Junga Lee (2023) Agricultural Water Management.
The Importance of the Mujechineup Wetland for Biodiversity: an Evaluation of Habitat Quality and Ecosystem Service Value
Role of Small Wetlands on the Regime Shift of Ecological Network in a Wetlandscape
Derivation of Green Infrastructure Planning Factors for Reducing Particulate Matter: Using Text Mining
석영선, 송기환, 한효주, 이정아 (2021) 한국조경학회지. 49(5): 79-96
Assessing the Social Value of Ecosystem Services for Resilient Riparian Greenway Planning and Management in an Urban Community
Junga Lee, Byoung-Suk Kweon, Christopher D. Ellis, Sang-Woo Lee (2020) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(3): 3261-3275
Comparison of Fuzzy AHP and AHP in Multicriteria Inventory Classification While Planning Green Infrastructure for Resilient Stream Ecosystems
Yujin Park, Sang-Woo Lee, Junga Lee (2020) Sustainability. 12(21): 9035-9060
4th Industrial Revolution Issue: Green Infrastructure Planning Meets the 4th Industrial Revolution
이정아 (2018) 조경정보지. (29)
Coastal Landscape Planning for Improving the Value of Ecosystem Services in Coastal Areas: Using System Dynamics Model
Soojin You, Min Kim, Junga Lee, Jinhyung Chon (2018) Environmental Pollution. 242: 2040-2050
Design Strategies to Enhance Resilience of Ecosystem Services in Urban Wetland: Using System Thinking
유수진, 함은경, 이정아, 조동길, 전진형(2017) 한국환경복원기술학회지. 20(4): 43-61
Feasibility of Green Network in a Highly-dense Urbanized Area by Introducing Urban Gardens
최희준, 이정아, 손희정, 조동길, 송영근 (2017) 한국환경생태학회지. 31(2): 252-265
Transformation Planning for Resilient Wildlife Habitats in Ecotourism Systems
Yun Eui Choi, Kihwan Song, Min Kim, Junga Lee (2017) Sustainability. 9(4): 487-515
An Integrated Approach to Mitigation Wetland Site Selection: A Case Study in Gwacheon, Korea
Junga Lee, Christopher D. Ellis, Yun Eui Choi, Soojin You, Jinhyung Chon (2015) Sustainability. 7(3): 3386-3413
An Analysis of Design Elements and Satisfaction on the Usability of City Squares: Focused on Gwnghwamun Square and Genmbit Square
최윤의, 전진형, 이정아 (2014) 한국조경학회지. 42(6): 111-123
A Comparative Study on the Preference and Visual Characteristics of Stream Landscape According to Hydromorpological Structures
최윤의, 이정아, 전진형 (2013) 한국습지학회지. 15(3): 301-315
A Spatial Plan for Waterfront Rural Village based on Rural Amenity Resources Assessment: Focused on Youngsan River around Naju-si Hoejin-ri
이정아, 문서영, 최윤의, 김은영, 전진형 (2012) 휴양 및 경관계획연구소 논문집. 6(1): 91-102
Disparities in Perceived Constraints and Loyalty based on Motivation to Visit Ecologically Sensitive Area(ESA): Visitors to DMZ Pyeonghwa Nuri-gil
유미나, 김형곤, 이정아, 전진형 (2012) 한국조경학회지. 40(1): 57-68
Rural Tourism Participants Evaluation on the Importance of Rural Amenity Types and Rural Community Tourism Planning Components
이진형, 정대영, 이정아, 전진형 (2011) 관광학연구. 35(8): 409-426
Revisiting Landscape Aesthetic Theories and Scales as the Basis of Landscape Design
전진형, 이정아 (2010) 휴양 및 경관계획연구소 논문집. 4(1): 7-18
A Conceptual Interpretation of Greenways from the Landscape Urbanism Perspective
이정아, 김재정 (2010) 휴양 및 경관계획연구소 논문집. 4(2): 33-46
Residents Perceptions of the Outdoor spaces of Environmentally-friendly Apartment Complexes
이정아, 전진형. (2008) 한국조경학회지. 35(6): 1-13